Relay RE35H
Two 12 V 700 Ohm Coils
35A 2*SPDT

Product Use

This 12 VDC Relay is especially developed for Automotive use as control relay for power window lifts.

Low current (Typically 96 milliAmperes) through each Relay Coil, electromechanically switches ON a High current Load (up to 35A).

In constant ON applications it can carry up to 10 Amperes, while in pulsed applications up to 35 Amperes may be switched momentarily for up to 30 seconds.

Millions of these relays have been reliably used since 2002 in following applications:


RE 35H

Product Specifications

RE 35H
Coil source voltage (max) VDS 16 V
Coil on-state resistance R(on) 125 Ohm
Nominal Coil on-state current I(on) 96 mA
Continuous contact current TC = 25 °C ID 10 A
Continuous contact current TC = 100 °C ID    8 A
Pulsed contact current TC = 25 °C ID 35 A
Power dissipation TC = 25 °C P 1.15 W
Coil threshold voltage VC(th) <6.5 V

Connection Diagram

Relay Connection Diagram

Bottom View

Wiring Diagram

Typical Wiring Diagram for Reversible function of DC Motor, such as those used in Power Windows, Sun Roofs, Power Seats, etc.
The direction of the DC Motor is activated and determined by pressing one of the two Grounded Push Buttons.

Relay Wiring Diagram

Control via Grounded Push Button Switches




Part Number: RE35H | US $ 10.00 each

Inquire for pricing and availability on purchases of 100 units or more